Monday, March 30, 2009

Tripple King Crab Feast

I was excited to hear about having king crab, but when the dish was presented, it didn't seem a huge difference compared to a normal crab.

First dish was steamed legs with garlic sprinkled on top, the garlic sauce was great, too bad it's not as packed as it should be, and wierdly, the first dish came with the shell, with nothing in it but steamed garlic sauce.

Second dish was deep fried with jalapeno, and I love it, because anything spicy is always good.

Third dish, the red strips on top of the noodles are actually crab meat stripped out from the shell, the taste was quite blend and lucky for me, there was XO sauce to help witht he flavor. I felt this last dish was totally wasted, what should have happened is that they should use the shell of the crab and steam fried rice in it so the rice would absorb more flavor.

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